Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Baby updates

I just registered for the Marvelous Multiples class that is offered at my hospital and thought I'd share the latest and greatest updates. They ask that you take this class during your second trimester and I'll be around 23-24 weeks when I take the class in August so that sounds just about right. I'm 19 weeks tomorrow. That's half-way!!! I've heard lots of wonderful things about this class so I'm pretty excited (all who know me know I like to be as prepared as possible and I think this class will be very beneficial).

My next appointment is on August 5, and I'll let everyone know what we're having after that. I should let you know that I actually already know what I'm having and I've told a few of you already, but I'd like to have things confirmed at this next ultrasound before I share. Consider it a teaser to keep you reading :) I get to have ultrasounds every month and I always start feeling a little antsy a week or two before my next ultrasound. I just really really like seeing them and knowing that they are healthy and whole. I am very excited about this next ultrasound because it is the big one where they check and measure everything. My routine monthly ultrasounds still check things, but it is not quite so extensive as that big halfway one that all women receive. Fun fun.

People sometimes ask if the babies are measuring the same or if one is way bigger than the other. One is actually a little bigger. That baby is on my left, is lower than the other, and measures a day or two bigger. This is normal and fine and my doctor said that they are still well within the range they need to be. Also, all their measurements are average so they are keeping up just fine as far as growth.

I've been feeling movement for a few weeks now. Just the sweet little flutters that we all love (no stomps or elbow jabs yet). They are both still pretty small-around 5 inches, so the movement isn't something I can feel all the time, but when I do it is such a nice and reassuring feeling.

The nesting instinct has already set in and this could be because I read somewhere that mothers of twins should have things prepared by 30 weeks. We've been moving things out of the spare room and have plans to buy some storage shelves for the garage so that we can clean out the closet as well. We have plenty of room for these two babies, but I'd just like things to be more organized. That room was kind of our catch all spot, so now we need to find a place for all the things that don't really have a place.

I've also been spending some time looking at mini vans because we're going to have to sell our Honda CR-V. It just isn't going to be big enough.

And finally, I am feeling pretty good. I get tired more easily and I don't sleep as well (lots of bathroom trips) and I often experience heartburn at night, but all this is cake compared to those first few months of hellish 27/7 nausea. I'm just so glad those days are gone.

Oh, and my appetite can sometimes be positively ravenous. Seriously. If you want to make me really happy my current love is homemade mashed potatoes and don't skimp on the butter or milk :)


Alicia said...

oh, I am DYING to know what you are having- boys or girls or both! I think the suspense will kill me. I always thought twins would be fun so I get to live vicariously through you. :) I'm so excited for you!

Lisa said...

This is so wonderful. I'm happy for you. I can't wait to hear what you're having! And, if I lived close enough, I'd mash you up some potatoes and bring 'em over!

Ellie and Gary said...

Hey Katie! How exciting! Will it be boys? will it be girls? Or will it be both? The anticipation is driving me crazy, I can't imagine how you must feel. Good luck and let us all know ASAP!

Kim A. Hodges said...

I'm so excited to find out what you are having!!! Let us know if you guys need any help getting your shelving up...and anything else you need help with. We are always willing to help!

ann said...

I am glad we fixed the real mashed potatoes on Sunday! Bryon actually did the mashing so I don't know how much butter he put in, but they were all eaten so they must have been OK for you. We just bought potatoes and you brought some over from Grandpa Richey, so we are set for more mashed potatoes! By the way, I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE HAVING!!!!

LCB said...

Katie, Maybe you will see this and maybe not but Happy Birthday on July 24th. Love you
I'm also a privilege grandma like Ann because I know as well.

Mike and Adrianne said...

This is so exciting. Mike was reading this with me while holding the baby and said, "What would you do if you had two of these?" I can't imagine...I'm so excited for you!!! Hurry and tell us what you are having.

Tammy said...

I love hearing you describe what it feels like to be pregnant. Coming to the realization that I will probably never feel it for myself it is fun to hear others describe it. I can't wait to hear for sure what the sex of the babies are. My guess is one of each!