Monday, June 16, 2008

This is how we water the raspberries here in Idaho


ann said...

Which hose is he using? This picture is priceless. What is the story behind the no pants?

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

At least he's using the hose.

Lisa said...

HAHAHAHAH!! So funny.

Eleyna Julia said...

WOW! That is HILARIOUS! I love little boys!

Tammy said...

This is so funny. I love it!

Megan and Shawn said...

That should be made into a poster!! That is too cute for words.

Miss Megan said...


Lizza said...

We water the garden in Utah the same way. I'm just jealous because I can't get naked with Zina. Seven months pregnant, wearing those stupid medical support hose for veins and being in 90 degree weather doesn't help me keep a happy face on.