Thursday, June 26, 2008

He's just lucky there were people around

During the summer, two of the posh movie theaters offer free kids movies on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. We usually hit the Wed show. We also usually go with some friends, but for various reasons we were flying solo yesterday. The movie was great, and when we came out Marcus insisted we visit the fountain that sits in a plaza near the theater. It's the type of fountain with a big lip around the edge that you can sit on, and in the middle are some water spouts and a cute statue of some kids.

Marcus was being Mr. Independent that day and by Mr. Independent I actually mean Mr. Words I Can't Say on my Blog. First, he insisted on climbing up on the ledge, then he wanted to stick his hand in the water, then his whole arm (really, it was leading to him wanting to jump in). I grabbed his arm out of the water and told him, no, we don't do that. He defiantly jerked his arm out of my grasp so that he could stick it back it the water, and in doing so caught my glasses and sent them flying off my face into the fountain.

I am blind without my glasses.

He is lucky there were other people around because oh man, was mama unhappy at that moment.

I frantically began searching the water for my glasses, but like I mentioned before, I am blind without them, so the chances of me spotting them were pretty slim. Luckily, a woman took pity on me and came over to see what was wrong. I explained and she kindly helped me search (and she was really pregnant and had two kids of her own--what a saint!) We didn't seem to be having much luck, so eventually I went into one of the stores and they had a number for the maintenance guy (we were hoping he could shut off the water, so we could see the bottom better). He told me he couldn't come for another 20 minutes. Grr. Luckily, after more searching, the woman spotted my glasses and all was well. I was able to drive home, and I didn't need to spend money to replace them.

But we did not go to the park for lunch that day, and Marcus had a very very long nap.


Harlin Family said...

Thats pretty funny. I can definately sympathize with those "Grr" moments. Hey, at least they make for a comical blog entry, right?

Alicia said...

Oh man, these kind of days are nice when they are over. And the long naps help a lot. I'm glad you found your glasses!

And I am jealous of the free kids movies- we pay for the kids movies here.

Lexi said...

Funny post. I can totally imagine the panic of a blind search for glasses. Did mom also get a long nap at the end of the day?

ann said...

Marcus is really acting out his "terrible twos" now that he is 3. You handled it a lot better than I would have. You are an inspirational mother for us all. thanks for sharing. Love you guys!

joshandemily said...

Katie, Katie, Katie.
I can just see you leaning over frantically sticking your hand in the water for those glasses. I bet you are the best mom! CUTE cake! My baby is turning 1 this week and I'm going to attempt a lady bug cake. I'm glad I found your blog and I'm glad you found your glasses. I miss you.

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

Ok you now have living proof that the terrible 3s might just be more terrible than the terrible 2s. At least other people have "words-they-can't-say-on-their-blog" moments because I definitely do.

Brian Adair Fam said...

Oh, so you're saying that Paige isn't the only 3 year old who is being completely and totally defiant these days?!? I feel for you, I seriously do!!!!!

happytew said...

Isn't being a parent GRAND!!! Funny little story, and I'm glad it turned out so well!! I love you Katie!!

Steff said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one to have experiences like this. I always think of you as such a calm, cool and collected person. It makes me feel good that you have "moments" sometimes too.

I was laughing the other day because I bought some apricot jam. I was eating part of Charlie's sandwich (with the jam in it) and I remembered that yummy jam you gave me that one time. It was so good, I was eating it straight from the jar with a spoon. YUM!

Tammy said...

Oh I love to hear other peoples not so well behaving moments. Glad you found your glasses.

Miss Megan said...

Ha ha. Oh man. Great story. Definitely one for the grandkids. I had no idea you were so blind! Some days it seems like all I can do to get Peter in the car with all his stuff, and usually by the time I get the door unlocked and my stuff inside he has run off halfway down the street. I'm such a wuss! What will I do when I finally decide to have another kid? I feel your pain.

Lisa said...

Ah! HAHAHA! I'm so sorry that happened, but that's also a verrrrrry funny story! We've all had those days, that's for sure. :)