1. My mom graduated from BYU Law School. She looked so beautiful and happy and intelligent. We are sooooo proud of her. Over this next year, she will clerk for a judge in Provo and then we'll see where the winds take her. My Uncle Matt spoke at her graduation (he is a Justice) and he was able to put her hood on. That was pretty special too.
2. That night we had a big party for my mom at my brothers' house. A lot of good friends came (it felt like a wedding reception) and I was able to visit with people I love, but don't get to see very often--lots of fun.
3. We got to spend some time with my dad and Rhonda. Marcus really enjoyed the animals and Tim really enjoyed the Wii.
4. We got to spend an evening with Jared, Lizza, and Zina. Such nice friends and Jared bought us dinner at Costa Vida--yummy!
5. We got to spend some time on Sunday with Tim's sisters, Taylor, and sweetie boy Tyler. It was great fun to be with them all.
6. We had family pictures taken and even though Marcus was a total beast, there was one crowning picture that turned out and made us all look like movie stars. Many thanks go to my Uncle Warren who took the pictures for us.
7. Tim and I went on a date to IKEA and I bought an ottoman to go with my chair. I would be in serious trouble if that store was in Boise.
8. On Monday night, Tim flew home and we had a very close call. I'd dropped him off and gotten back on the freeway when he called me and frantically said, "Come back! You have my keys and the house is locked! My flight leaves in 45 minutes!" Luckily, I was able to get right off and then back on the freeway and all turned out well. I'm just glad he realized before he got on the plane.
9. Good times were had at the dinosaur museum with Aub, Lexi, and Gabby. Seriously, that museum is so cool and Aub got me in for only $5 because she has a member card--even cooler.
10. Good times were then had at Jenny Lynn's apt. where Marcus got to play with Savannah and Ethan (who is also a hard core car lover) and when Ed got home they made us dinner which is a special thing in the McCulloch household :)
11. I got to go to Women's Conference with my mom. The Prophet spoke at the final session and that was a really special treat. I also got to see some cousins and aunts that I don't get to see very often.
12. Kimberlie and Aub watched Marcus for me so that I could go to Women's Conference. A million thank yous to both of you.
13. Pedicures with the girls. I smile every time I look at my pink toes.
14. Dinner at Kevin and Nicole's where Marcus showed them how truly insane he can be and then didn't go to sleep until 11:30. Sheesh.
15. Kelly cut my hair and it is fabulous and she is fabulous.
This trip also taught me that I am an official Idahoan. I actually found myself feeling homesick at times. I had a wonderful time, but it was also so nice to get back to my home, my bed, and above all: my Tim.
We had so much fun with you guys. The other day Gabby said "Where's Max?" After a minute I realized she meant Marcus, and I was shocked that after 4 days she would randomly remember/ask for him.
Sounds like you have a fun-filled week. Glad you were able to spend some time with family and friends...can't wait to see your new hairstyle today. We are also very proud of our mom!
It was actually Cafe Rio, but who cares? Same thing practically. It was really fun to see you guys. Hopefully the next time will be sooner than later.
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