Thursday, April 10, 2008

A winning combination

Despite lingering colds, we had a wonderful visit from my mom aka Grandma! We celebrated her birthday (true, a week late, but in person), watched conference together, and visited. Her visit was short, but really nice. We're excited to head for Utah at the end of this month for her graduation. That's right, folks! My mom is graduating from BYU's Law School. Yipppeee!!
The "sticky men" my mom brought were a big hit.
I suppose we have Uncle Kevin to thank for that.


She requested a cake that Marcus would also enjoy, so we went with COLOR and SPRINKLES. And if you're wondering, yes, I did color coordinate the sprinkles and candles because I am cool like that :)

Look, Grandma, your birthday cake.


Tammy said...

YOur mom is beautiful. I love the first pciture. What a great time. Your cake is awesome. I love that you coordinate. Are you guys making it down Saturday for Grandma's party? Hope to see you!

Mary said...

Congrats to your Mom, that's awesome. Marcus looks so happy to have her visit. How cool (of your Mom to request for her birthday, and for you to make)a fun cake for Marcus.

Megan and Shawn said...

Wow that is great that your mom went back and is graduating!! I'm so impressed, and she is now my new hero. I want to go back to school so bad and get my masters and my phd, but we'll see if I have that same motivation in 20 years when its possible?

Lisa said...

Visits from Grandma are always fun. That's awesome that she's finishing school-good for her. If you have any spare time while you're down, I'd love another get-together. :)

Eleyna Julia said...

Cute Aunt Kath sporting some sassy new dark hair! Having grandma around is always fun. Hopefully we'll get to see you guys when you come down for the graduation.

Miss Megan said...

Your mom looks good with dark hair! I am excited for her graduation party, I've been helping Kelly with that. Can I just say, I LOVE a good party? Are you and Tim going to be able to make it down? P.S. I forgot to comment on your book recommendations, but let me tell you, you are not alone! Nicholas Sparks books are the worst sort of tripe imaginable. Oh well, I guess he's rich and I'm not so maybe he knows something I don't!

Ben and Aubrey said...

Tell your mom congrats on the graduation from me and "climax boy". :)

Andee said...

Aunt kath is so amazing! That's so fun she got to visit. I gave a talk the other week and told a story about her. Love you guys.

ann said...

It was good to help your mom celebrate her birthday. Congratulations to her as well for accomplishing something like that. We are very proud of her.

Brian Adair Fam said...

Congrats to your Mom. That's awesome! I'm glad you had such a great visit with her, even if is was on the shorter side! The kids and I will be in Provo for graduation also. Brian's brother is graduating. We'll probably be staying with Kimberlie and Taylor. Hopefully we'll be able to see you guys!!

alecia said...

I love your mom's hair. I am going to be really sad not to see her at school almost everyday! It will be so boring this summer! I found out that they are changing my assignment for graduation, so I will end up staying there the whole time, but Kimberlie is just going to watch Marcus for you, and she can bring him up afterwards for pictures. I will call you later and we can figure out how you want to get Marcus to Kimberlie.

Cormorant said...

I'm so proud of your momma! What a great lady she is! I want to attend her grad party, but I have an awards banquet that same night. I'm bummed to miss it! If you go, tell her I'm so happy for her. And tell her everyone's invited to my grad party as well!