Last year, Tim and I took Marcus to two Easter Egg Hunts. One was at the zoo and the other was at a big park. Both were insane and we will never go to either one EVER AGAIN. Why? A few reasons. First, there were way too many people. I had to protect Marcus from getting trampled even though they did it by age. Second, it just felt like this big free for all and a lot of the parents were running around chucking candy and eggs into their kids' baskets while the kids just stood there looking confused. I hope none of you out there are those parents I'm referring to. The hunt is for the kids, not the parents. Encourage them by all means, but do not start grabbing candy off the ground by the handfuls. It's annoying.
This year, I heard through the grapevine about the Easter Egg Hunt that our nearby high school puts on. My friend has a daughter who's in the high school preschool and that's how she knew about the Hunt. She told me that they were just asking parents to donate a bag of candy a few days before the Hunt to help cover costs. I happily picked up a few bags at the dollar store and dropped them off.
This morning at 8:30 we headed over to the high school. I wanted to leave early because I was afraid we wouldn't be able to find parking (the parking at the zoo and the park had been awful) . The Hunt didn't actually start until 8:45. I shouldn't have worried because there were tons of parking spots--so great. We all met in the cafeteria and there were only about 20 kids. They were all young too because all the older kids were in school. The students first read the kids a story and then they let them all out into the quad where there were tons of eggs strewn all around. It was awesome. The parents were so cool too. We just stood around and visited or followed our kids around, and nobody turned into a grabby monster parent. Marcus had a great time. He filled his bucket with eggs and then we went inside and one of the teenagers helped him color a picture and open his eggs (we returned the empty eggs to the teacher so they can use them again next year).
Really, it was just so fabulous. My friend and I both agreed that it was the best Easter Egg Hunt ever.
That sounds like so much fun!
That does sound like a good Easter Egg hunt. We had a Primary one and will have our own little one tomorrow. I'm glad you found the place to go. Don't tell too many people though or everyone will start going there and then you will have an over-crowded, grabby hunt again! ;)
That sounds fun. Our ward does one, but it's a crazy grabby one because they let kids up to 12 participate. You have to arrive extremely on time or else all the candy is gone. Fun, yet not so fun. Did you get your poster printed yet? I hope it turns out...
Your Easter egg hunt sounded like a lot of fun for Marcus and the other children. Glad you were able to take him there. I remember the egg hunts in Gooding and they were mad houses there as well. Glad you had a good Easter.
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