Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I bet a few of you laughed maniacally to yourselves when I said that the transition from crib to bed had gone so smoothly for us. Oh, what a naive young mother that Katie is--I know you were thinking that. And you were right. My new wake up time has gone from 8:00 to 7:00. Marcus usually wakes up when Tim is in the kitchen eating his breakfast before he leaves for work. After daddy leaves, Marcus crawls into bed with me where he snuggles for exactly one minute before beginning a never ending repetition of, "Cheerios. Waffles. Cheerios. Waffles." Occasionally a "Wake up," is in there too. But, he still goes to bed just great. No problems there (I can hear you laughing again).

But the nap has been another story altogether. Today he is asleep in his bed having a wonderful little boy nap where he looks like a sweet angel sent straight from heaven. Yesterday, his room looked liked this after his "nap"

So, I got him up and put on a movie. He needed some quiet time even if he wasn't going to actually spend it napping. And when I checked on him ten minutes later . . .

Crazy kid.


Mary said...

I think it's great. Enjoy every crazy minute with that little guy.(Some moments are easier to enjoy than others but still enjoy them all!)

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

Poor Katie. I don't understand why this is such a hard transition but it is, which is why I'm not in any hurry to do it again. Lexi used to pile every single toy on her bed and then fall asleep on the floor. That ended up being one expensive toy box.

Jeff Ward said...

Do you want Lexi and I to ever have kids? You better stop freaking us out or Lexi will never be ready ;)

AmyJane said...

Yeah....feel your pain. I'm not sure WHY the big kid bed prompts an earlier wake up time--we went from 7:30 to 6:30, and have not been able to fix it--what the??!?!? Do not understand it. Best of luck!

Brian Adair Fam said...

Don't you love it?!? I love the picture of him finally falling asleep on the couch! Such a cute boy!! Paige saw the pictures and said "I love Marcus!" It was so sweet!!

ann said...

He is growing up so fast. I love your pictures and comments and I sure love our little boy!!

Lisa said...

I hear you Katie, especially on the early wake up time. Arg.

Tammy said...

I love it! Marcu is so great I love to see what he does next!!

I tried to post earlier so if this is a repeat I am sorry.