Saturday, February 16, 2008

Eat your heart out Victoria Secret

I made sugar cookies with Marcus on Valentine's Day. He helped me roll the dough, cut out the hearts with the cookie cutter (he really got into that), and helped decorate them with sprinkles. His favorite part, though, was helping to eat the cookies. We delivered them to friends along with some little Valentine cards that he had decorated with crayons and stickers. It was pretty cute.

Then, after I put him down for his nap, I got to work on these "special" cookies for Tim. I got the panties idea from my friend, Steff.
After those were made it wasn't too difficult to take that next step into matching bras. They got a big laugh from Tim and were a huge hit. Nothing like a few edible unmentionables to make for a good Valentine's Day.


NutMeg said...

Those cookies are awesome! You are so creative and, I wish I had the time or the patience for stuff like that. I hope you guys had a great Valentines. Tim: you are one lucky dude!

The San Diego Mills said...

I love it! Didn't one of your roommates at the apts. make some kind of bra cake or something along those lines?


ooooohhh, scandalous KatieRichey!

Elder Richey said...

Melissa: I don't remember any bra cakes, but that sounds pretty funny too.

Luke: You know you wish Janna had made you some of these cookies too :)

Tammy said...

How funny! I will have to try that next year. You are so creative. Marcus is such a cutie.

Andee said...

Katie, I love you! That is the greatest idea! Maybe I'll do it just because. I don't want to wait for next Valentines. :)

Ben, Aubrey, Alexis, Gabby & Haylie said...

where's the leopard print one? i may have to steal that idea for next year.

AmyJane said...

Oh, I'm totally dying laughing! You're the funniest! I love them!

Lisa said...

I laughed when I saw them on Steff's blog, and I laughed again when I saw them on yours. I will have to make some for Jeff some time...his birthday is coming up. Maybe that would be a good idea.

Steff said...

Oh my goodness! Those turned out waaaay better than mine. Awesome idea for the matching tops, too! Very, very funny. I literally laughed out loud.

Brian Adair Fam said...

LOVE IT!!! I was scrolling down (with Paige right behind me) and when I saw the "unmentionable" cookies, I started to chuckle. Paige followed suit and said, "That makes me so laughous". Welcome to an almost 3 year olds vocab! :0) I'll have to use this idea for either our anniversary or next v-day! :0)

ann said...

Your cookies turned out very nice and yummy looking...I can just picture Tim and you having a chuckle over those. I would like to have seen a picture of Tim with the "pinch me" cookie! And I am sure Marcus really enjoyed that big yummy cookie!

Cormorant said...

Haha! I know I haven't sauntered over to your blog lately, but I'm glad I did. Wow, I loved that. Definitely a must-try for me next Vday.

PS-Marcus is a stud! He is super cute.