We did it. We made that big step. We took down the sweet baby boy crib and moved in the twin bed. I didn't think I would, but I almost cried. Almost. While Tim (and Marcus) were dismantling the crib, I stood nearby recounting aloud that day in our first apartment in Boise when we put the crib together and placed our little 1 1/2 month old baby boy in it for the first time. The mattress was raised as high as it could go, and Marcus was so little in the middle of what once seemed such a spacious sleeping space. Sigh.
While I waxed nostalgic, Marcus went around with the screwdriver saying, "Marcus help daddy. Marcus big boy bed. Bye bye crib." And later, when we bought him his very own pillow, he could barely contain his excitement. He couldn't wait to get the crib out of his room and the new bed set up in its place.
I think most parents probably move their children out of the crib because a new baby needs it. Others move them because the kid has learned to climb out of the crib and it's become a hazard. For us, Marcus just seemed ready and willing. He slept in our bed when he was sick and he slept in a bed when he spent the night at grandma's last weekend. We haven't had any issues with him climbing out of his new big boy bed at unholy hours of the morning (yet), and he was more than willing to take a nap this afternoon.
My sweet baby boy is growing up. I never thought I'd be that mom, but I think I'm going to cry when he goes off to kindergarten, in fact, I know I will. Oh well.
Savannah didn't know she could voluntarily get out of her bed for a couple months after we switched her over. I hope Marcus is the same way.
What will be awesome is when you send him to Sunbeams for the first time and you tear up. So embarrassing!
I'm glad that other people who swore they wouldn't be the "mom that cried" are turning into that mom. It makes me feel ok about turning into that mom too.
What a big step for you...I remember the tears as well, but wait until your "baby" goes off to college and you are an empty-nester...well you have a while yet so enjoy and treasure the moments now! I can't wait to see Marcus in his new big boy bed.
I'm sure I'll cry when Will goes to kindergarten too...especially since so many places have full day kindergarten now. It is so sad when they grow up and so exciting too!
I'm really nervous about moving Isaac into a big boy bed. Will never tried to get out but Isaac will for sure!
Marcus is so cute and grown up!
I'll just say I'm so happy for Marcus. That is new and excited for him. If that's all I say you'll have no way of knowing I'm crying for you. (or myself) You'll have no proof anyway. They grow up way to fast!!!
He's so cute all snuggled up in his new bed! You're so lucky it all went so smoothly! We aren't even close to getting Charlie in a big boy bed. Nice work!
I had a little mommy meltdown when Patrick moved himself to the twin bed that was already in his room right around two years old. I wasn't planning on moving him until the baby was a few months old at least, but he was ready and after we went on a trip and he slept with me in a real bed he started consistently asking to sleep there so we went with the flow. The transition was pretty easy the first few months until he realized that he could in fact get out. We've had a few rough nights just lately but the Supernanny silent-return-to-bed method seems to be working. Good luck!
Oh! He looks so cute in his new big boy bed! Some stages of growing up, I can't wait for (ie: going on the potty), but others seem to come all too quickly. I hope you are able to have another baby soon; I have been thinking, praying, wishing and hoping for your family. My fingers are crossed!
Also: Thanks again for more book recommendations. So, I'm about 1/3 of the way into "Atonement" and I have to say honestly I'm not all that impressed. McEwan is obviously a tremendous writer, but he takes so long to get where he's going he sometimes loses me along the way. I'm determined to finish it out, but I have to say that so far I liked the movie much more.
Oh we have been going back in forth with this issue with CJ. I am glad to hear that you cried. I have jsut thinking about it. I tihnk we will be makiong this move soon. He just seems to be ready. I love that he got so excited!
Marcus is such a sweet boy! I love that he was so excited about his big boy bed and even more so that he stays in it!!! We've been having an issue with Paige lately about waking up and coming into our room at 3:30 every morning. She'll just stand by the bed, staring at me, until I wake up and take her back downstairs. Ugh!!! Hopefully Marcus doesn't go through this lovely phase!
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