Preface: It's 7:30 pm on Sunday night. Our friends have all gone home after a fabulous dinner party, Marcus is asleep, and the kitchen is clean. I'm finishing up drying the last dish and call out over my shoulder,
We should just go to bed now and watch some episodes of The Office.
I hear laughter in the background.
Me: What?
Tim: I already set the laptop out on the bed and look what I was going to get.
I turn around and he's holding up season 3 of The Office.
Meant to be, people. We are meant to be.
That is awesome! :) One of our favorite things to do is watch some TV season of a particular show on the laptop in bed. :) We'll have to try The Office.
I love those moments!
Didn't realize you guys are also office fans. I got Ben a Dwight bobble-head when I went to New York for his office.
Now that is the best thing I've heard all day! Great story. P.S. I have something to show you at Cupcake Chowder. Try not to pee your pants.
Alicia: We've also really enjoyed Arrested Development.
Tammy: Yep, they're great. Also, nursery time!! That is so exciting.
Aub: I wonder if they have any of those bobble-heads in Idaho. Tim would LOVE one of those. Yep, we're huge fans. In my heart of hearts I knew you guys were too :)
Megan: I KNOW!!! Can you say excited?!! I actually saw these on Youtube this past summer, but it'll be so much better to watch them on a bigger screen from the comfort of my couch. Oh, to have DVR or TIVO right now? Maybe those are the same things, we're obviously way behind. Whatever. I am excited!!
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