Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Christmas video also titled "Dad, you're taking way too long."

Untitled from kmt63 on Vimeo.


Steff said...

We were wondering if you are sick of hearing the fire truck yet?

Elder Richey said...

Not yet, but I have established a rule that he is not allowed to take it with us in the car anymore. Every time he'd push that siren button I'd look in my review mirror and get ready to pull to the side of the road :)

The San Diego Mills said...

I love how excited he is about his presents! It's so fun to have kids at Christmas. I'm excited for when Addy actually understands what Christmas is.

ann said...

What a wonderful little guy! So much fun to watch and have around.

alecia said...

That is fantastic! He is talking so good. It is really cute to see him be all patient while Tim was opening the truck up. At least it didn't take any longer, it looked like his patience was starting to wear out though!

Tammy said...

I love the video! Marcus was so good to watch Tim. Good thing it didn't take too much longer!