Monday, January 01, 2007

Memorable Picks from 2006

  1. Tim graduates
  2. Marcus's many firsts: walking, haircut, words, nursery
  3. Moved out of the ghetto and into our cool new apartment
  4. Tim gets a job
  5. Kevin comes home from his mission
  6. Women's Walk
  7. Our new kitchen table
  8. Storytime at the Boise library
  9. Vacation to Coeur d'Alene
  10. Our free i-pod
  11. Katie gets called into a Relief Society presidency (again) and Tim gets called into Elder's Quorum presidency
  12. Katie and Marcus visit the Van Komen family in Seattle
  13. Trips to Zoo Boise
  14. Book Clubs
  15. Katie goes domestic and sews curtains

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Love the catchy title! I'm glad you got to do so many fun things this year.