Thursday, May 09, 2013

Spring piano recital

05 03 13 1777 from kmt63 on Vimeo.

Marcus and his awesome teacher, Tonya Robertson.
Marcus had his spring recital while I was in Utah for Women's Conference. I was sad to miss it but felt like I had a good grasp on what the songs sounded like after listening to them for weeks and weeks :) I told Tim to record it and because my husband is a saint, he not only recorded it, but managed to hold a wiggly baby while doing so. Also, he made treats to bring--yummy homemade treats. So when you hear a baby "commenting" on the music Marcus is playing, think of that saintlike man who I am lucky enough to be married to.

And doesn't Marcus look just adorable? I am so proud of him and all the hard work he put into MEMORIZING two songs. Talented and handsome. Look out world!


Mary said...

Well done Marcus, and Tim!

Tonya said...

He did so good! I'm glad to have him as a student!