Having "a steam" on Day 1 of the sickness. He still sounds bad, but looked much better today (day 2).
On the plus side, his curls have greatly benefited from all these "steams." |
We've made it pretty well through the wintry months sickness free. Marcus even came home with his halfway-through-the-year report card and I noticed that he hadn't missed a single day of school. It wasn't a week or so after that that I got a call from the school nurse saying his tummy was hurting him and he needed to come home. He missed the rest of that day and then the day following. Then it was Owen and then Zachy felt warm and was grumpy. But the worst has been Eli. He is always the worst when it comes to sickness, not because he is grumpy or anything like that, it is because he really and truly sounds like death. As a baby, whenever Eli got a cold it would immediately turn to this nasty sounding cough. It sounds like a croupy, barking seal, painful kind of cough. It's truly awful. He's the only one of the boys to ever get this cough. Over his four years of life the cough has come less and less often and we have learned how to combat it with steamy bathrooms, cold air shock treatment, vicks vapor rub, personal water bottle on hand at all times, medicine, and humidifiers.It still really stinks, though.
Poor kid.
I'm sorry. It's always awful when your babies are sick!
That really does stink!:( The croup can be so scary. We've had more that our fair share of it. Luckily it is more of a child's sickness, so I've been told, so Eli will probably grow out of it eventually. Kaleb used to get it a lot and now he barely does. Once in a while he'll sound croupy but it doesn't wake him up at night and we don't ever need to do steam treatments anymore. I hope your little guys feel better soon.
poor little eli! i hope he is feeling a bit better today. Being sick is the very worst.
I truly feel for Eli--I have a sore throat & cough for a wk now. Finally went to the dr to get meds because it won't go away--viril infection. Left work early yesterday & am home today per boss' orders. Thankfully the medicine is helping some & I also did my own "steam" treatment. Katie, you are a great mom & caregiver!
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