I'm not really sure how it happened, but in just a few weeks Zachy will turn one and we have yet to be apart for more than a few hours. At first this was because of the nursing, but he quit nursing when he was 10-months-old, remember? For Christmas, my in-laws gave us a coupon for a kids' sleepover party at their house. Kids meant Marcus, Owen, Eli, and Zachy. Tomorrow night we are cashing in on our coupon. And who am I kidding? My in-laws are wonderful and don't even need a coupon. They love it when the boys come over for a sleepover. We could do it anytime and lots of times.
I find myself wanting to write a detailed "how-to" list for Zachy which is actually really silly because KayLyn (my sis-in-law) pretty much helped me raise the twins during their first year of life and my m-in-law raised 4 kids of her own. The awful truth is that our sweet adorable Zachy is a leeetle bit spoiled. Tim and I adore him. He is just so easy to adore. And truthfully, there is just one of him and so I've been able to savor his cute little babyness a bit more. One of my good friends once told me way back when I was pregnant with Marcus to make sure and have a night away from him just as soon as I could just to prove that I could. It didn't mean I loved my baby any less, but it showed that I could trust others to help in his care so that I could go out and nourish my marriage or my mind or my soul or lots of other things.
When Zachy was little and nursing frequently and waking up every few hours, I would dream of the time when he would be independent from me. The time when he would not nurse anymore, when he would sleep through the night. When I would sleep through the night. I just can't believe that time is here.It's going to be hard but it is also going to be awesome because we will:
go to the temple
go to a wedding reception for one of my wonderful and grown up young women
go out to dinner
And Zachy and the boys will have so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Kay.
fun! good for you for trusting others to care for your baby! enjoy it all for me, too!
Have a great time you lucky girl!! :)
We enjoyed the sleepover sooooo much! Thanks for letting us have our 4 Boise grandsons for the night. Zachy was a little unsure Sat night but such a smilely, happy guy with his brothers Sun am. Can't wait for our next sleepover :)
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